“Since childhood, the energy of light and its effect on form and color has fascinated me. The beauty it reveals has been my mantra as I paint subjects that impassion me. I hold signature and associate memberships in SWA, ACA,CWS,CAC,OPA.”
Lake Lilies
18″ x 24″ oil on canvas
Lake Eleanor 30″ x 40″ Oil on Canvas
Color on the River 16″ x 20″ Oil on Canvas SOLD
Lotus I
15″ x 30″
Oil on Canvas
Lavender At Mt Shasta Plein Air 15″ x 30″ Oil on Canvas
Lavender at Mt. Shasta 18″ x 24″ Oil on Canvas
Jack London’s “Wolf House” Cottage 16″ x 20″ Oil on Canvas SOLD
Forest Pond
22″ x 24″ Oil on Canvas
Rio Grand Gorge New Mexico 12″ x 24″ Oil on Canvas SOLD