What a whirlwind adventure Monterey was! Calm sunny days, COLD windy days, atmosphere to take ones breath away moment by moment!
We were so busy at our booth I barely got a chance to catch more than a glimse and get it down in pastel.
So I took lots of photos and used my sketchpad to capture notans and notes from the presentations I was able to attend.
Our daughter saved our life on this trip and made it so memorable….we could not have done it without her!
I was so energized by the friendliness and accessibility of the Faculty members and administrators and the gracious way guest Master Artists gave such jewels of knowledge and inspiration!
The Heilman art boxes had a robust interest and sales were great. The versatility of the Heilman art boxes are making an exciting impact on pastel, oil and watercolor artists.
The Heilman art easel shines as a multi-faceted use as an easel for the Heilman art box or a stand-alone unit connected to a tripod.
This makes for lighter, easily transported set ups and allows for using more than one medium simultaneously.
It is liberating not to get so involved and stressed with pouring all the energy into ONE medium or view.