As good wood and materials become more costly and difficult to acquire, we push the envelope of possibilities to have our products be the best, longest serving and easiest to use. When our boxes are opened and the lids come off, something wonderful is about to happen. Nature’s elements or still-life set-ups are about to be faced head on, a passion is about to be expressed and creativity is forging a masterpiece! We partner in a serious effort….creativity! When we create with feeling and passion, our minds visit a good place, our heart rate relaxes and endorphins kick in. After a stressful day or in the midst of one we can engage a healing process by way of creating. We have enjoyed many notes and emails from artists sharing their painting experiences.
This is a note we received from artist Elizabeth Rose, IPAP (International Plein Air Painters Artists Organization WORLDWIDE
“I am a third generation pastel painter working primarily en-plein air. Living in Florida I have seen much of its’ natural beauty destroyed by rampant development and construction. I hope to capture and preserve some small piece of what remains undisturbed.”
“I can testify to the durability of your Heilman Pastel box. I purchased my box several years ago and it has done very well by me. The ultimate test occurred over a year ago. I was on my way to a plein air competition and being very nervous, had placed my pastel box on the roof of the car while packing up my supplies. When I arrived at the competition I couldn’t find the box anywhere. Gone! That was in May. Fast forward to September. I was pulling weeds by a fence at the end of our property and lo and behold, there was the Heilman under some bushes. From what I could tell the box had flown off the top of my car, sailed 20 feet through the air and smacked into a wooden fence. It had survived the entire summer of Florida heat and rain. The box as well as the pastels had survived and were in good shape. I’ll never part with my Heilman box.”